Can it be anything less?

All-terrain vehicles are our everyday for decades. But it must be always a Jack of all trades? We devote ourselves to a new genus: the "crossover" models who want to be something of everything.
Not fish, not meat - it is initially difficult classify the type of the "crossover". They are not all-terrain vehicle or pure car, but itself for the new-fangled concept SUV, with the road-based off-roader as the Toyota RAV4 be placed in Germany, some features are missing. Most likely, one understands the not so new genus of the crossover, if you look back in their history.
The first member of this genus, the AMC Eagle of 1980 should apply. For the Eagle, the former parent company of the legendary brand Jeep, the American Motors Corporation, crossed the technique of a Jeep CJ (predecessor of today's Jeep Wrangler) with the body of a road car. The crossover was born. But in the AMC Eagle was much tangible off road technology that no longer occurs in today's crossover models.

In modern times, this type of model was promoted above all by the Audi and Subaru all-wheel drive pioneers. 1995 The Japanese presented before such a first model with the outback, which is regarded as a model for the entire industry. The outback was based and is based on the Subaru top model middle-class station wagon legacy. This means he had a hohergelegtes bad routes chassis with up to 20 cm of ground clearance, and the plastic cladding on sides, front and rear, which showed him as an adventurer in the ancestor.
A similar concept, with German thoroughness refined, showed four years later with the allroad Audi. As the Subaru Outback A6 built on a 4WD station wagon car, the Audi quattro, the allroad. And like this he had outwardly visible a conspicuous plastic cladding, which distinguished him from his like street brothers. Audi continued however: had to individually adjust the suspension height, for the Gelandeberieb even on a good ground clearance high pumps with air suspension. Even a gear box for the site was one of the options.
Today, the borders are further blurred. Independent trim levels of the production models that recognize only Privy as special version were all road and outback. The former rustic Hemdsarmeligkeit of's appearance gave way to the elegance current in this class.
And also the offer has generally significantly complex. Today, the bandwidth of compact vehicles such as the Fiat Sedici by and to the full blown crossover van Seat Altea Freetrack. This widespread offer now allows a more intensive look at the own needs. A few years ago still you had only the choice between all-wheel drive car or rustic Gelandeganger.
This limited options have been significantly enhanced by the success of the SUV. But even this type of vehicle is some too specific: not everyone needs a seat on the mezzanine or would like to bear the additional costs for an SUV taking place mostly on the road everyday. For insurance ratings and consumption, they are usually on normal passenger cars, the manufacturers can gild the current SUV fashion with significant Aufpreisen than the current car models.
The view of the own claims is important in the buying decision. Because if maximum agricultural paths or forest roads are used, you need hardly a specialist with differential lock and terrain reducer.
To, a profound Berachtung is useful, what in the area really necessary and what is not. Because often an as strong motor or axle differential lock is considered to be the ultimate in off-road use. This must not automatically to all situations in the match. On the contrary, such highly specialized vehicles such as a Mercedes G will continue of course considerably in heavy terrain, are but soberly considered for many buyers "overdressed" - finally also hardly anyone with a semi-trailer weekend shopping travels.
To first of all for use off paved roads, the all-wheel drive course is the decisive aspect. Already in second place for the difference between continue or remain a criterion that is often left out: the vehicle weight. A unique cycling is easier, the better he can be in standard situations in the area. A perfect example of this is a wet, downhill meadow. An all-terrain vehicle serious of two Tonenn will be stuck here easily or at least with considerable management its railway "milling". A light all-wheel drive car, however, puts less pressure on the tyres and "floats" literally on the soft ground, forward-looking driving course provided.
The third important criterion for the off-road capabilities is the available ground clearance. That is not to be confused with the belly freedom under the car, for the important cross steep and sharp crests. With the ground clearance, the lowest point on the car is cross specified, relevant for the larger stones or deep well-worn paths. Here, all-terrain vehicles are often not so lavish equipped as one would assume that from the outside. So the ground clearance at the Mercedes G used often as a reference is only 205 mm (under the axle differential), while modern SUVS such as the Kia Sorento she only 180 mm. That makes it clear that the basic requirements for good progress on crossover models are not so bad. Some driving skills can easily handle - around by an angle rather than directly crosses deeper furrows or on forest paths of forestry equipment deep extended tried to drive with two wheels on the body even more obstacles.
Also the modern electronics come to help. Because the Slingshot system ESP integrated in today's car brings quasi as a waste product of a very practical site help: traction control. Here, the peculiarity of a geared differential is used to deliver advance force that provides the least resistance always on the side. In practice, a durchdrehendes wheel is slowed down by the automotive electronics which power is transferred to the other wheel, which has to offer just the better ground contact. In this way can "simulate" real axis differentialsperren. Have considered driving, that we have shown already in equipped vehicles during tests in the area with the traction control is very far. A disadvantage of this technique is rather irrelevant in sporadic use: for long lasting use of other lines the traction control can cause that the brakes overheat.
In our slideshow we have clearly summarized the current crossover models of the German market. Here we have stressed us on crossover all-wheel drive limited. Models like the Volkswagen cross Polo, which although points with fashionable SUV look, but otherwise put on the identical technique of front wheel drive base model, bring a profit off the road.