Equal to 15 of the extremely rare site oldies of Volvo, Furstenau - met at guaranteed type-oriented attitude in the forest, sand and mud to the season opening in the driving area.
The Da?mmerung is committed when the last vehicles to the former Truppenu?bungsplatz in Fu?rstenau arrive. The checkin is easily as a?u?erst: a short stop at the barrier, the security guard each dru?ckt a map of Gela?ndes in the hand and describes the way to the camp. The official registration and payment are agreed easily for the na?chsten morning.
The camp - better give the bivouac - the force in a former shooting range on the Gela?nde zuna?chst a martial impression. There are also the most diverse Milita?r vehicles in long series. Between the big city a special vehicle type dominated the Volvo ABS in its various designs however. Many took precisely wide travel in the northwesternmost corner of the Republic in order, from the su?dlichen Bavaria, from the o?stlichen Saxony and even Norway. The Bivouac is vervollsta?ndigt by a large British team tent, which is fast, the legenda?ren Kellchen be placed in position.
A considerable stack firewood is already available and will be zugefu?hrt before the tent in the fire of his determination. The gemu?tliche part of the evening can begin. No lack of Getra?nken and Gespra?chen, many are for the first time, know each other but long in the Volvo Forum. In the already advanced evening hours the large bonfire, which is the majority of participants now gemu?tlich has created, throws long shadows on the vehicles parked in the Congress, which still versta?rkt the adventurous Atmospha?re of the meeting. The first evening in Fu?rstenau slides hinu?ber with good gefu?llten Kellchen noble drop slowly in a mild, starry night.
Bright sunshine on Saturday
The morning alarm is set in bright sunshine with a power generator, which excused his hammering with fresh gebru?htem coffee. It is Fru?hstu?ckszeit. Before the Kellchenzelt a long slab formed flap and it seems none of the hungry to be surprised that this is fresh Wei?wu?rste with Su??em mustard and pretzels to the Fru?hstu?ck in Friesland.
The force collects their vehicles under a blue-white sky at fru?hen noon at the entrance to the Offroadbereich to the great appeal. One za?hlt 15 Volvo ABS, a BV202 and a Hanomag AL 28. In column fa?hrt the baggage train in the large sand pit of Fu?rstenau, a several acres playground with Wasserlo?chern, Verschra?nkungspassagen and upgrades, a.
EVS long wait the first Bergungsaktion. A Volvo, with its pilots on maiden voyage, is located on the side. Fu?r a salvage erschwerend in addition, that the Volvo Center is located on a steep descent permeated with deep tracks, at the end is a watering hole. The meantime arrived gela?ndeeigene Bergungsdienst is simply put on hold. The recovery takes the Volvo for decades recorded rescue team with tatkra?ftiger support of BV202. Under the curious, numerous and expert views of the passers-by is the vehicle briefly spa?ter back on his Ra?dern and dragged on flat Gela?nde. The Umfall hinterla?sst not visible outer damage at the Volvo.
After cleaning the Zu?ndkerzen, the robust B30A without grumbling jumps again on some highly motivated looks in the periphery of the motor and the maiden voyage can be included in the glu?cklich again. Meanwhile the AL28 in the mud at the foot of a steep slope, the master the Volvos with ease, fa?hrt firm, is a TGB11 with gefa?hrlicher Schra?glage in a deep water hole and a further TGB11 comes in an Earth, with the exact dimensions of the vehicle and half Fahrzeugho?he depth, not before still back let for addition. You all are saved and find spa?ter on more or less winding forest paths without Ausfa?lle back in the base camp.
Here, a particularly welcome U?berraschung in form of a British Feldku?che, the well-known and popular Ku?chenbullen zugeho?rigen in addition to fresh coffee and cakes is already waiting. The pra?chtige weather reflects the mood, the Gespra?Che of the participants and the general mood at the base camp.
In the meantime, the baggage train is unmixed, i.e. There are on the road only Volvos. The BV202 takes back - how wa?hrend the whole starting the grateful role of sightseeing Mobils fu?r the children of the participants. As a result he determines the speed of the convoy, "Unfortunately" some participants prompting a particularly draufga?ngerischen participants to verku?rzen to wallow final specifically to the time in each of small fire. Small rescue operation, go further.
Two axes are one too little
After a long varied journey through the urtu?mlichen forest and at the beginning of the Da?mmerung is via CB given the signal to the Ru?ckkehr in the camp and for the ku?rzeste way. Discretion of a two-axle Volvo the courageous driver performs this "path" by a 1, 5 m deep as wide Entwa?sserungsgraben. The inevitable bailout is carried out by her stern.
The subsequent Produktvorfu?hrung of 3 Achsers released via and Marche by the ditch, with equal ease sharp followed by the Kindermobil and Anha?nger, provides for great amazement and a weitra?umige bypass of the obstacle fu?r the column. The now broad, flat track spared the obstinate 2 axles but not before a repeated enough in the ditch. Gruppengela?chter and rescue operation run parallel and are absorbed by the victims of the mountains very athletic. The more ride on the paved part of Gela?ndes verla?uft without special events.
The excellent manual car wash and the gefu?llten well with water tanks of disease on the Fuhrparkgela?nde in Fu?rstenau verzo?gern through intensive use of the return of the driver in the base camp, where then also immediately started the large grill in hectic activity and the campfire will once again entzu?ndet.
Ordered retreat
The morning alarm scent and Gera?uschuntermalung is so well known as the weather, the Sun God with the same attention and Selbstversta?ndlichkeit provides, such as our popular Ku?chenbulle the British Fru?hstu?ck with Bacon, beans & eggs in the Feldku?che. After a long, rich Fru?hstu?ck, first institutions be - made in the light of the long drive home some participants to the departure. There are phone numbers, hugs and promise of seeing you again exchanged, and the Commons ordered gera?umt.
Have you experienced so much with your 4Wheeler? If you have an interesting, exciting or funny story to tell, make with! Adjusts your personal travel report on our online portal.

The camp - better give the bivouac - the force in a former shooting range on the Gela?nde zuna?chst a martial impression. There are also the most diverse Milita?r vehicles in long series. Between the big city a special vehicle type dominated the Volvo ABS in its various designs however. Many took precisely wide travel in the northwesternmost corner of the Republic in order, from the su?dlichen Bavaria, from the o?stlichen Saxony and even Norway. The Bivouac is vervollsta?ndigt by a large British team tent, which is fast, the legenda?ren Kellchen be placed in position.
A considerable stack firewood is already available and will be zugefu?hrt before the tent in the fire of his determination. The gemu?tliche part of the evening can begin. No lack of Getra?nken and Gespra?chen, many are for the first time, know each other but long in the Volvo Forum. In the already advanced evening hours the large bonfire, which is the majority of participants now gemu?tlich has created, throws long shadows on the vehicles parked in the Congress, which still versta?rkt the adventurous Atmospha?re of the meeting. The first evening in Fu?rstenau slides hinu?ber with good gefu?llten Kellchen noble drop slowly in a mild, starry night.
Bright sunshine on Saturday
The morning alarm is set in bright sunshine with a power generator, which excused his hammering with fresh gebru?htem coffee. It is Fru?hstu?ckszeit. Before the Kellchenzelt a long slab formed flap and it seems none of the hungry to be surprised that this is fresh Wei?wu?rste with Su??em mustard and pretzels to the Fru?hstu?ck in Friesland.
The force collects their vehicles under a blue-white sky at fru?hen noon at the entrance to the Offroadbereich to the great appeal. One za?hlt 15 Volvo ABS, a BV202 and a Hanomag AL 28. In column fa?hrt the baggage train in the large sand pit of Fu?rstenau, a several acres playground with Wasserlo?chern, Verschra?nkungspassagen and upgrades, a.
EVS long wait the first Bergungsaktion. A Volvo, with its pilots on maiden voyage, is located on the side. Fu?r a salvage erschwerend in addition, that the Volvo Center is located on a steep descent permeated with deep tracks, at the end is a watering hole. The meantime arrived gela?ndeeigene Bergungsdienst is simply put on hold. The recovery takes the Volvo for decades recorded rescue team with tatkra?ftiger support of BV202. Under the curious, numerous and expert views of the passers-by is the vehicle briefly spa?ter back on his Ra?dern and dragged on flat Gela?nde. The Umfall hinterla?sst not visible outer damage at the Volvo.
After cleaning the Zu?ndkerzen, the robust B30A without grumbling jumps again on some highly motivated looks in the periphery of the motor and the maiden voyage can be included in the glu?cklich again. Meanwhile the AL28 in the mud at the foot of a steep slope, the master the Volvos with ease, fa?hrt firm, is a TGB11 with gefa?hrlicher Schra?glage in a deep water hole and a further TGB11 comes in an Earth, with the exact dimensions of the vehicle and half Fahrzeugho?he depth, not before still back let for addition. You all are saved and find spa?ter on more or less winding forest paths without Ausfa?lle back in the base camp.
Here, a particularly welcome U?berraschung in form of a British Feldku?che, the well-known and popular Ku?chenbullen zugeho?rigen in addition to fresh coffee and cakes is already waiting. The pra?chtige weather reflects the mood, the Gespra?Che of the participants and the general mood at the base camp.
In the meantime, the baggage train is unmixed, i.e. There are on the road only Volvos. The BV202 takes back - how wa?hrend the whole starting the grateful role of sightseeing Mobils fu?r the children of the participants. As a result he determines the speed of the convoy, "Unfortunately" some participants prompting a particularly draufga?ngerischen participants to verku?rzen to wallow final specifically to the time in each of small fire. Small rescue operation, go further.
Two axes are one too little
After a long varied journey through the urtu?mlichen forest and at the beginning of the Da?mmerung is via CB given the signal to the Ru?ckkehr in the camp and for the ku?rzeste way. Discretion of a two-axle Volvo the courageous driver performs this "path" by a 1, 5 m deep as wide Entwa?sserungsgraben. The inevitable bailout is carried out by her stern.
The subsequent Produktvorfu?hrung of 3 Achsers released via and Marche by the ditch, with equal ease sharp followed by the Kindermobil and Anha?nger, provides for great amazement and a weitra?umige bypass of the obstacle fu?r the column. The now broad, flat track spared the obstinate 2 axles but not before a repeated enough in the ditch. Gruppengela?chter and rescue operation run parallel and are absorbed by the victims of the mountains very athletic. The more ride on the paved part of Gela?ndes verla?uft without special events.
The excellent manual car wash and the gefu?llten well with water tanks of disease on the Fuhrparkgela?nde in Fu?rstenau verzo?gern through intensive use of the return of the driver in the base camp, where then also immediately started the large grill in hectic activity and the campfire will once again entzu?ndet.
Ordered retreat
The morning alarm scent and Gera?uschuntermalung is so well known as the weather, the Sun God with the same attention and Selbstversta?ndlichkeit provides, such as our popular Ku?chenbulle the British Fru?hstu?ck with Bacon, beans & eggs in the Feldku?che. After a long, rich Fru?hstu?ck, first institutions be - made in the light of the long drive home some participants to the departure. There are phone numbers, hugs and promise of seeing you again exchanged, and the Commons ordered gera?umt.
Have you experienced so much with your 4Wheeler? If you have an interesting, exciting or funny story to tell, make with! Adjusts your personal travel report on our online portal.