Offroad challenge 2011: We're looking for Germany's best off-road riders

4Wheel fun searches also 2011 Germany's best off-road driver again. If you would like to be, can register now.

The shining eyes of last year's finalists were the deciding factors: the off-road challenge of 4Wheel fun will be held also in 2011.
Mercedes and continental will again, as in the previous year, cars and tyres for the action. As in the previous year, there will be three preliminary, in which 20 persons can participate. Time you will have a whole day to demonstrate their skills with the gelandegangigsten Mercedes Offroadern.
Driving is on the three probably most demanding routes in Germany. Professional instructors take doing not only advance the training in the area, they assess the skills of the participants. The pre-selection starts in the camp 4 fun at the Nurburgring (Rhineland-Palatinate), one of the few internationally recognized off-road routes in Germany. Also the offroad Park Langenaltheim (Bavaria) it has in itself and is regularly used as a backdrop for hard all-wheel events such as the Spined Loach trophy.
Finally, the three finalists are determined on the Teltow Flamling ring at Kalinchen (Brandenburg) - his sand surfaces have almost desert character. The great finale 2011 will take place then on one of the most beautiful offroad arenas of in Europe. Getting there and the nights on the ground are of course free of charge for the nine finalists. New 2011 however is a small hurdle that must take all those that want to be loaded to the decider. To defeat, don't worry: to them, you need no reduction gear. We only want to know how to complete this sentence: "I have what it takes to Germany's best off-road rider, because..."
So you can participate:
If you have what it takes to the best off-road riders in Germany, you can apply to just us - with this link, it goes to the registration form.
The dates:
June 4: Camp 4 fun, Nurburgring
July 2: Offroad Park Langenaltheim
September 17: Teltow-Flamling-ring
21 to 30: Final round
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